Incorporating the Writing Lessons for Engineering and Science
into Your Course
IntroductionThis page presents lesson plans to incorporate the writing lessons for engineering and science into your laboratory, design, or writing course. In essence, each lesson plan is for a single class period (or partial period) for the course. Each lesson plan consists of the following
Just-in-Time Report TemplatesMuch of our success in teaching writing to large groups of students in the College of Engineering at Penn State resides in using report templates that provide just-in-time training of students for several aspects of scientific writing: achieving a professional format, writing a summary, writing an introduction, incorporating references, and incorporating illustrations and equations. You are encouraged to download and adopt one of the templates below to suit your course's reports.
Contents of Lesson PlansThe following links will take you to an instructor lesson for the the corresponding writing lesson:
Summary: Writing as an engineer and scientist Lesson 1: Analyzing audience, purpose, and occasion Lesson 2: Being precise and clear Lesson 3: Avoiding ambiguity Lesson 4: Sustaining energy Lesson 5: Connecting your ideas Lesson 6: Beginning with the familiar Lesson 7: Organizing research papers Lesson 8: Organizing technical reports Lesson 9: Writing emails and letters Lesson 10: Incorporating illustrations Appendix A: Essence of grammar Appendix B: Essence of punctuation Appendix C: Avoiding common errors of usage Appendix D: Choosing a professional format |